Fool's NightChapter 82
Drama Ecchi Romance

In a faraway future, Earth is shrouded in thick, heavy clouds. The sun no longer shines upon it. A world in which most plants have withered away and oxygen levels have been depleted. However, humanity has managed to survive by developing the technology needed to turn people into plants, producing a small amount of oxygen. To live as a human being in an uncertain world, or to abandon one's own suffering and embark on a new life as a plant? People are forced to make a choice.

Fool NightChapter 82
Comedy Drama

In a faraway future, Earth is shrouded in thick, heavy clouds. The sun no longer shines upon it. A world in which most plants have withered away and oxygen levels have been depleted. However, humanity has managed to survive by developing the technology needed to turn people into plants, producing a small amount of oxygen. To live as a human being in an uncertain world, or to abandon one's own suffering and embark on a new life as a plantー People are forced to make a choice.

Denpa SeinenChapter 10

Fujio Sera is a murderer on the run. He meets Yoko Itami, a deli clerk who is a big fan of Fujio's personal radio show, "Fudio's Radio". Their twisted secret escapade begins...

Fool Night [Official]Chapter 8
Drama Supernatural

The earth of the distant future is covered in thick clouds, and the sun no longer shines. Plants wither, and oxygen is thin. To fight extinction, humankind has developed a technology that turns humans into plants, providing a small amount of oxygen. Is this process sustainable? Is it ethical? Toshiro Kamiya must consider these questions as he's faced with a difficult choice—save his family or save himself.